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Medicinal Benefits of Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia)

01 Mar, 2023


What is Giloy or Tinospora cordifolia?
Giloy, also known as Amrita or Guduchi in Hindi, is an herb that helps improve digestion and boost immunity. It has heart-shaped leaves that resemble betel leaves. All parts of the plant are used in Ayurvedic medicine. However, the stem is thought to have the most beneficial compounds. Giloy is Titka (bitter) in taste and Ushna (hot) in potency. After metabolization, it becomes Madhura (sweet) and Guru (heavy) in nature. It has Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties which help in improving digestion. Giloy also helps to reduce excessive thirst, pain, and burning sensation because of its Tridosha balancing property. Regular use of Giloy can boost energy and immunity because of its Balya (strength provider) and Rasayana (rejuvenating) qualities.
The bitter taste of Giloy may help manage blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. Giloy also helps in weight management by improving overall metabolism.
Drinking fresh Giloy juice helps to improve immunity and can be used to manage fevers due to its antipyretic activity. It also increases platelet count and might help with dengue fever.
Giloy powder, Kadha (tea), or tablets can also be used for various skin problems as it helps to remove toxins from the body.
You can apply Giloy leaf paste on the skin to fasten the wound healing process as it helps increase collagen production and skin regeneration.

What are the synonyms of Giloy?
Tinospora cordifolia, Guduchi, Madhuparni, Amruta, Amritavallari, Chhinnaruha, Chakralakshanika, Somvalli, Rasayani, Devnirmita, Gulvel, Vatsadani, Jwarari, Bahuchinna, Amrita.

How does Giloy or Tinospora cordifolia help in Ayurvedic Healing?

Giloy helps in the below conditions -

1. Liver Disease

Giloy helps to improve metabolism and liver functions due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties. Giloy also inhibits degeneration and promotes new cell growth due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) quality.

2. High cholesterol

Giloy helps to control high cholesterol levels in the body by improving the metabolism and eliminating toxins from the body which are responsible for high cholesterol. This is due to its Deepan (appetizer), Pachan (digestive) nature, and Rasayana (rejuvenating) properties.

- Recommended Products by Dhanwantri Pharmaceutical to control High cholesterol-
Use DIVINE-9 High cholesterol. DIVINE-9 has Giloy as one of its major compositions.

3. Rheumatoid arthritis

Giloy might be beneficial for the management of pain and inflammation in arthritis. Giloy suppresses arthritic inflammation by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (molecules that promote inflammation). In the case of auto-immune disease, the body's own immune system attacks the body and Giloy is known to boost the immune system. When you take Giloy in case of autoimmune diseases, it may overstimulate the immune system.

4. Dengue
Giloy is useful in managing dengue fever.
It has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic (that reduces fever) properties. Regular intake of Giloy during dengue helps in improving the immune system. It also helps in increasing platelet count. Together, it helps to manage dengue fever

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