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How to stop nausea and vomiting fast at home

18 Mar, 2023


What is nausea and vomiting?
Nausea and vomiting are not diseases, but rather are symptoms of many different conditions, such as infection ("stomach flu"), food poisoning, motion sickness, overeating, blocked intestine, illness, concussion or brain injury, appendicitis and migraines. Nausea and vomiting can sometimes be symptoms of more serious diseases such as heart attacks, kidney or liver disorders, central nervous system disorders, brain tumors, and some forms of cancer.

What is the difference between nausea and vomiting?
Nausea is an uneasiness of the stomach that often accompanies the urge to vomit, but doesn't always lead to vomiting.

Vomiting is the forcible voluntary or involuntary emptying ("throwing up") of stomach contents through the mouth. Some triggers that may result in vomiting can come from the stomach and intestines, the inner ear (dizziness and motion sickness), and the brain (head injury and migraine headaches).

What causes nausea or vomiting?
The causes of nausea and vomiting are quite similar. Many things can bring on nausea. Some common causes are:

  • Seasickness and other motion sicknesses
  • Early pregnancy
  • Intense pain
  • Exposure to chemical toxins
  • Emotional stress (fear)
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Food poisoning
  • Indigestion
  • Various viruses
  • Certain smells or odors

Usually vomiting is harmless, but it can be a sign of a more serious illness. Some examples of serious conditions that may bring on nausea or vomiting include:

  • Concussions
  • Encephalitis
  • Meningitis
  • Intestinal blockage
  • Appendicitis
  • Migraine headaches
  • Brain tumors

What can be done to control or relieve nausea and vomiting?
There are several ways to control or relieve nausea; however, if these techniques do not seem to ease the queasiness, talk to your doctor.

When trying to control nausea:-

  • Drink clear or ice-cold drinks.
  • Eat light, bland foods.
  • Avoid fried, greasy, or sweet foods.
  • Eat slowly and eat smaller, more frequent meals.
  • Do not mix hot and cold foods.
  • Drink beverages slowly.
  • Avoid activity after eating.
  • Avoid brushing your teeth after eating.Choose foods from all the food groups as you can tolerate them to get adequate nutrition.

Treatment for vomiting includes:-

  • Drinking gradually larger amounts of clear liquids
  • Avoiding solid food until the vomiting episode has passed
  • Resting
  • Temporarily discontinuing all oral medications, which can irritate the stomach and make vomiting worse.

Gas Nivaran for stop nausea and vomiting fast at home

Gas Nivaran is very beneficial in stomach ailments like dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, gas, loose motions and hyperacidity. 2 tablets of Gas Nivaran in the morning, at noon and at night with water.

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